The sales of smart phones amount to 36.4 million in the first quarter of 2009,12.7%up from the same period of last year.Global manufacturers expect a bright prospect of smart phones,in an attempt to launch new products to meet consumers'demands. RIM changed its strategy to consumption products from enterprise-level application market and has achieved significant results.The upcoming Storm2 not only keeps traditional QWERTY Keyboard of Blackberry,but infuses the prevailing touch screen,which reveals RIM's strategy of contesting individual consumer market and meantime taking account of loyal commercial consumers.iphone,on the other hand also shows its strength in consistent strong performance in promotion,the new iPhone 3G S finished the sales of over 1 million during the first 3 days after launching.The App Store model not only greatly contributes to network traffic of mobile operators,but also brings a large amount of added value to Apple itself. The smart phone market is entering a key changeover period,going towards mass entertainment market from high-end business market with large-scale commercial use of 3G services.
World Telecommunications