

Perception of 3-D Layout in Stereo Displays
摘要 由于立体显示器日益普及,因此相关立体显示器要展现出真实且令人印象深刻的三维立体图形或场景前所未有地变得重要。文中回顾了时下观看者从立体显示器中获得三维构图立体感的有关研究工作。 As stereoscopic displays become more commonplace, it is more important than ever for those displays to create a faithful impression of the 3-D structure of the object or scene being portrayed. This article reviews current research on the ability of a viewer to perceive the 3-D layout specified by a stereo display.
出处 《现代显示》 2009年第8期5-9,共5页 Advanced Display
关键词 立体显示 三维立体感 投影中心 stereoscopic displays 3-D percept CoP
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