
大功率LED荧光胶封装工艺对其显色性能的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Fluorescent Glue Packaging Technology on the Color Rendering Index of High Power LED
摘要 通过大量试验,探索了荧光粉分层封装和荧光粉混合封装的不同荧光胶封装工艺对大功率白光LED显色性能的影响。通过甄选荧光粉、硅胶以及配比,制备出显色指数(CRI)为95的高亮度、低衰减的大功率白光LED。 In this artical, a large number of experiments have been done to explore the influence of different fluorescent glue packaging technology of phosphor layered packaging and phosphor mixed packaging on high-power white LED color rendering.By selecting the phosphor, silicon and mixture ratio, high-power white LED with high brightness and low attenuation is prepared ,and the color rendering index (CRI) reaches 95.
作者 钟传鹏
出处 《现代显示》 2009年第8期56-60,共5页 Advanced Display
关键词 大功率白光LED 荧光胶封装工艺 显色指数 high power white LED fluorescent glue packaging technology color rendering index
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