A human antihantavirus antibody was prepared and labeled with RBITC. In 1996,an immunofluorscence antibody assay(IFA) with this antibody was performed to detect hantavirus infection in the lung tissues from small mammals in a hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS) endemic region of Guangan county, Sichuan province The lungs of two rats(Rattus norvegicus) among the mammals were found to be hantavirus antibody positive A comparison between the abovementioned results and those obtained in 1995 by indirect IFA using FITClabeled sheep antihantavirus antibody showed that there were no significant differences between both the hantavirus infection rates and indices among animals in 1996 and 1995. The data also indicated that the RBITClabeled human antihantavirus antibody may be used to detect hantavirus infection in small animals in HFRSendemic regions.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information