
饭店业人力资源状况的调查与思考——以浙江为例 被引量:3

A Survey and Development Strategies on HR of Hotel Industry in Zhejiang Province
摘要 随着浙江省饭店业的飞速发展,人力资源问题已成为发展的最大瓶颈。本文选取浙江省七个地市饭店为样本,调研人力资源管理现状,比较不同经济发展程度、不同星级、不同所有制、不同管理方式的饭店企业的人力资源状况。并综合浙江省饭店业的大环境、现状、发展需求和员工工作生活质量等因素,对饭店企业提升人力资源水平提出对策。 With the rapid development of hotel industry in Zhejiang Province, human resource has become the development bottleneck. Choosing 143 hotels in seven districts and cities of Zhejiang Province as samples, this paper surveys the current situation of HR, compares the differences among hotels in different economically developed regions, hotel ownerships, star levels and management modes. Considering the macro environment for hotel development in Zhejiang, present situation and development objectives, this paper puts forward strategies to raise the level of HRM for hotel industry in Zhejiang Province.
作者 褚贝
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 2009年第4期63-67,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 浙江省2007年旅游科学研究重点项目(2007ZJLY-A-09)
关键词 浙江省 饭店业 人力资源管理 Zhejiang Province hotel industry HRM
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