
衣藻有性生殖的分子机制 被引量:2

Molecular Mechanism of Chlamydomonas Mating
摘要 衣藻作为分子生物学研究的模式材料,被广泛用于植物光合作用、鞭毛组装与功能、细胞周期与节律、细胞信号传导与光感受、细胞识别等重要生物学过程的研究,而且衣藻有性生殖的分子机制与人类某些疾病的发生机制存在联系。该文对国内外近年来有关莱茵衣藻在有性生殖过程中凝集素的动态分布,包括鞭毛粘连、补充、传递、脱粘连、凝集素合成的正调节,以及与性凝集素行为有关的基因研究进展进行综述,以阐明衣藻有性生殖的分子机制,为人类的疾病研究提供参考。 As a model organism for studying photosynthesis of plant, flagella assembly and function,cell cycle and circadian rhythms, signal transduction, light perception and cell recognition, Chlarnydornonas has been investigated widely. This review reported the advances in molecular mechanism of Chlarnydornonas reinhardtii mating. We focused on adhension,tipping, disadhension and regulation of synthesis of sex agglutinins as well as some genes related with adhension of agglutinins. The molecular mechanism of Chlarnydornonas mating might provide reference to the study of some human diseases.
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1490-1495,共6页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(30570183)
关键词 莱茵衣藻 分子机制 性凝集素 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii molecular mechanism sex agglutinin
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