Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of 16 row multi - slice CT arterial and venous phase cerebral angiography with once contrast material bolus. Materials and Methods: The delaying scan time of arterial and venous Phase were determined by the Test - Bolus. Thirty patients underwent MSCT double phase cerebral angiography with low dose contrast material bolus followed by saline solution flush. According the difference level enhancement of veins or arteries in CTA and CTV, the interference scores were ranked from 5 to 1. Results: The arterial -venous circulation time was 8. 15 ±2. 29S by Test - Bolus. The scan time of the entire skull and the delaying scan time of arterial and venous - phase were 5.17 ± 0. 20S, 15.37± 1.92s, 27.54±3.07S , respectively. The mean dose of constrast medium and of saline were 45.07±2.91ml and 39. 93 ±2.96ml. The arterial braches were displayed clearly in 29 cases (96.7 % )and the difference CT value between arteries and veins were 353.86 ±73.15HU in CTA. The viens interference scores as follow: 9 (30%), 13 (43.3%)and 8 (26.7%)cases were 5, 4, 3, respectively. The venous system were showed distinctly in 27 cases(90. 0% ) and the difference CT value between veins and arteries were 299.51 ± 90.09HU in CTV. The arteries interference scores as follow: 4 ( 13.3% ), 18(60% ), 6(20% ) and 2(6. 7% ) cases were 5, 4, 3, 2 , respectively. No equal enhancement of arteries and veins were observed in the CTA and CTV. Conclusion: With low dose contrast material bolus followed by saline flush and Test Bolus, 16 row multi -slice CT double phase cerebral angiography may distinguish arterial and venous phase similar to DSA.
Modern Medical Imageology