
运用Ridit分析法制订姑息照护培训内容 被引量:4

Study on the training contents of palliative care using Ridit analysis
摘要 目的分析不同层次医院护士对姑息照护培训内容的共性及个性需求。方法采用姑息照护知识需求调查表调查某市各级医院护士340名,使用Ridit分析法分析结果。结果在共性知识需求中,重要的有24项,不重要的有26项。个性需求:一级医院对培训内容的需求主要集中为姑息照护基本概念、基础护理中的生活护理和丧亲后护理;二级医院为姑息照护概述、基础护理及疼痛护理;三级医院为放疗、化疗护理及所涉及的道德伦理观念。结论三个级别医院的护士对姑息照护培训内容既有共性需要又各有侧重,Ridit分析法可予以区分,据此开展培训可提高培训效果。 Objective To analyze the common and individual training needs of palliative care among nurses in different level hospitals. Methods The serf-designed questionnaire about training needs of palliative care was used to investigate 340 nurses in different level hospitals. The data were analyzed by Ridit analysis method. Results There were 24 important items and 26 unimportant items in the common training needs. Regarding the individual training needs,the concept of palliative care,basic nursing care and bereavement support were preferred by the primary-level hospital nurses,while the principles of palliative care ,basic nursing care and pain management in secondary-level hospital nurses,radiotherapy and chemotherapy care and the ethical and moral problems in palliative care in third-level hospital nurses. Conclusion Different level hospital nurses have both common and individual needs in the training contents of palliative care. Ridit analysis can distinguish the differences and provide reference for the training.
作者 刘霖 袁长蓉
出处 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期685-687,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nursing
基金 上海市重点学科建设项目资助(编号:B903)
关键词 姑息疗法 在职培训 需求估价 Palliative Care Inservice Training Needs assessment
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