Cell migration is the key step in cancer invasion and metastasis, and the basis of it is the reorganization of cytoskeleton protein, which can be regulated by several signal molecules. Cancer cells may show several movement patterns, which can be controlled by different molecular mechanisms among which the process of the reorganization of cytoskeleton actin protein may be very important. Rho family small GT- Pases can be activated and then regulate the reorganization of cytoskeleton actin, thus can cause cancer cell invasion and metastasis. The activation pathway includes activated mutation (RhoH is the main target of activated mutation in Rho family, which is related with lymphoma) and inactivated mutation of Rho protein and its regulon (p190RhoGAP can down-regulate Rho activity, acting as cancer inhibitor in gliomas). The alteration of expression level of Rho protein and molecule (Rho protein family has 3 Rho monomers including RhoA, RhoB, and RhoC and 3 Rac monomers including Racl, Rac2, and Rac3. RhoC mRNA up-expression suggests the metastasis of melanoma.) can transform chemo-attractant signals from extra cell to downstream effector molecule intra cell, then make the reaction to cytoskeleton dependence and affect cell migration (Mesenchymal-like cell motility is associated with Rac-dependent and F-actin-rich protrusions and does not require Rho and ROCK, but the amoeboid mode of invasion shows the dependence of ROCK-mediated actin cytoskeletal dynamics on the increased capacity of cells to generate force.). Therefore, inhibition of the signal transduction of Rho family small GTPases can efficiently restrain the cancer invasion and metastasis and may be another novel candidate method for cancer therapy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology