目的了解三维数字模型在鼻内镜手术中的应用价值。方法依据16例患者术前CT断层扫描数据,通过自动计算机辅助设计(Auto Computer Aided Design,AutoCAD)软件、自由设计大师(Moment of Inspiration,MOI)软件和草图大师(SketchUp)软件构建三维数字模型,提供任意视野观察,进行手术计划,虚拟术后术腔的空间变化,与术中及术后图像对比。结果成功构建鼻腔、鼻窦及相邻解剖结构的三维模型,为鼻内镜手术入路提供帮助,使用者可与模型进行交互作用并可任意操作模型(包括射线模式,内部观察),术中随时动态观察,为手术计划提供可靠的形态信息。结论AutoCAD、SketchUp及MOI软件构建三维数字模型,方法简单可行,并可用于鼻内镜手术的解剖教学和手术模拟,证实了其临床应用的价值。
OBJECTIVE To study the benefits of applying digital visible models for endoscopic nasal surgery . METHODS CT data sets of 16 patients were segmented to create digital visible models by using AutoCAD (computer aided design) , MOI (Moment of Inspiration) and SketchUp software package. Standard digital available data sets for clinical tasks such as surgical simulation and surgical planning. The digital visible models and the intra- and postoperative corresponding visions were compared. RESULTS The 3D structure model of nasal cavity, sinuses and their adjacent structures for endoscopic nasal surgery were successfully reconstructed. The models allowed the user to interact with the data and manipulate them (in the view of X-ray, looking around inside the model) . The model can be observed during operation, provided accurate morphological data for surgery guidance plan. CONCLUSION The method creating digital visible models using AutoCAD, MOI and SketchUp software package is simple and feasible. The digital visible models are suitable for clinical use as well as for education of endoscopic nasal surgery. The benefit of this technology was confirmed by clinicians.
Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery