

A Scheme for Realizing the Delayed-choice Experiment with High-quality Single Photons and an Optical Cavity
摘要 延迟选择实验是量子物理中一项重要的实验。本文利用单光子与腔的关系,提出了一种变通的可操作验证延迟选择实验方案。在光子进入腔中之后,通过控制光子与腔的失谐控制光子的入射(光子位于腔内)-反射(光子位于腔外)行为。该方案与传统的方案比较有一定的特点。 Wheel's delayed-choice gedanken experiment plays an important role in the quantum physics because it can help us understand the meaning of single-photon interference. In this paper, a kind of delayedchoice experimental scheme is discussed according to the relationship between the single photon and a cavity. When the photon gets into a cavity, its behavior of whether entering the cavity or reflecting by cavity can be controlled by changing the detuning between the photon and the cavity. This scheme has its own characteristics compared with the traditional ones.
出处 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期279-282,共4页 Journal of Quantum Optics
基金 国家自然科学基金(60578018,60808006,60821004) 国家973计划(2006CB921102) 长江学者和创新团队发展计划基金 山西省青年科技研究基金(2008021003) 山西省归国留学基金 明星专项项目(08121019)
关键词 延迟选择 单光子源 光学腔 delay-choice single-photon source optical cavity
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