Select more than 12 birth perinatal cows, using matching experimental design is divided into 4 groups, from three weeks before the beginning of the experiment were fed four kinds of diets: Ⅰ (anionic salt + calcium); Ⅱ(anionic salt + calcium ); Ⅲ(do not add salt + calcium anion); Ⅳ(do not add salt + calcium anion). Add salt diet anionic DCAD value of the -6.5mEq/100g DM. Anion do not add salt diet DCAD value of +17 mEq/100g DM. Study of anionic rocks and the level of dietary calcium on serum ionic balance in dairy, cattle and production performance. The results showed that: the experimental group DMI of dairy cows dropped to different extents (P〉 0.05). Add anionic salt diet group in the urine pH value between 5.5 - 6.5, the changes do not add significantly lower than the anionic salt group (P 〈0.05). Calving day ld post-natal and post-natal 3d, add salt anionic dairy group perinatal serum Ca2 + concentrations increased significantly (P 〈0.01), diseases of post-natal role of certain mitigation. Anion with the high calcium diet and the two against each other to improve perinatal dairy calcium concentration and production performance, improve the health status of significant results for the optimal portfolio(P〉 0.05).
Livestock and Poultry Industry
anionic salts
serum Ca
dairy cows