
阴离子盐及日粮钙水平对围产期奶牛血清钙平衡及生产性能的影响 被引量:4

Effects of Calcium and Anionic Salts Diet on the Serum ion Balance Status and Milk Production of Periparturient Dairy cows
摘要 选取12头2胎以上围产期奶牛,采用配对试验设计分成4组,从产前3周开始随机饲喂4种实验日粮:Ⅰ(阴离子盐+高钙);Ⅱ(阴离子盐+低钙);Ⅲ(不添加阴离子盐+高钙);Ⅳ(不添加阴离子盐+低钙)。其中添加阴离子盐日粮的DCAD值为-6.5mEq/100gDM。不添加的阴离子盐日粮的DCAD值为+17mEq/100gDM。研究阴离子盐及日粮钙水平对奶牛血清离子平衡及生产性能的影响。结果表明:各试验组奶牛的DMI有不同程度下降(P>0.05)。添加阴离子盐日粮组的尿液pH值在5.5~6.5之间,尿液显著低于不添加阴离子盐组(P<0.05)。产犊当天至产后7d,阴离子盐对围产期奶牛血清Ca浓度有极显著的影响(P<0.01),阴离子盐组血清Ca浓度极显著高于不添加组(P<0.01)。在添加阴离子盐的基础上,高钙组有提高奶牛血钙浓度的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05)。阴离子与钙的互作对血钙浓度的影响不大(P>0.05)。阴离子盐对产后疾病均有一定的缓解作用,但对奶牛产奶量影响不大(P>0.05)。 Select more than 12 birth perinatal cows, using matching experimental design is divided into 4 groups, from three weeks before the beginning of the experiment were fed four kinds of diets: Ⅰ (anionic salt + calcium); Ⅱ(anionic salt + calcium ); Ⅲ(do not add salt + calcium anion); Ⅳ(do not add salt + calcium anion). Add salt diet anionic DCAD value of the -6.5mEq/100g DM. Anion do not add salt diet DCAD value of +17 mEq/100g DM. Study of anionic rocks and the level of dietary calcium on serum ionic balance in dairy, cattle and production performance. The results showed that: the experimental group DMI of dairy cows dropped to different extents (P〉 0.05). Add anionic salt diet group in the urine pH value between 5.5 - 6.5, the changes do not add significantly lower than the anionic salt group (P 〈0.05). Calving day ld post-natal and post-natal 3d, add salt anionic dairy group perinatal serum Ca2 + concentrations increased significantly (P 〈0.01), diseases of post-natal role of certain mitigation. Anion with the high calcium diet and the two against each other to improve perinatal dairy calcium concentration and production performance, improve the health status of significant results for the optimal portfolio(P〉 0.05).
出处 《畜禽业》 2009年第8期40-42,共3页 Livestock and Poultry Industry
关键词 阴离子盐 血钙 奶牛 anionic salts Ca serum Ca dairy cows
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