
基于领域本体的数字图书馆检索结果动态组织方法研究 被引量:2

Research on Domain Ontology-based Dynamic Organization Method of Search Results in Digital Library
摘要 在对现有数字图书馆检索结果的组织方法进行分析的基础上,从忠实于用户提问的角度,提出基于领域本体的检索结果动态组织方法。基本解决思路是将文献的标识与用户的提问进行有效地对接,即以用户提问为基础构造提问模型,并基于检索结果构造标识模型,将提问模型与标识模型在语义层面通过领域本体进行映射,从而实现文献标识与用户提问在语义层面的互通,最终以用户提问的语义方式来展现检索结果。 Based on the analysis of the existing organization methods of search results in digital library, the paper proposes domain ontology- based query -sensitive organization method to organize the search results. The basic solution is creating the connection between the identifier of documents in search results and the user' s queries, firstly creating the query model based on the user' s query, secondly creating the identifier model, then mapping the identifier model to the query model using the existing domain ontology. This can interflow the semantic level of identifier and query. Finally, the search results are organized and showed in the categories of query - sensitive.
作者 张云秋
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第15期30-33,共4页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"语义网格环境下数字图书馆知识组织应用研究"(项目编号:70673029)研究成果之一
关键词 领域本体 提问模型 标识模型 domain ontology query model identifier model
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