以3种转基因(codA、betA、lea)小黑杨(Populus simonii×P.nigra)为材料,选取XC1、XB1、XB2、XB3、XL1、XL5、XL6、XL11共8个株系,非转基因小黑杨为对照,对其进行浓度为0.8%的NaCl胁迫处理,胁迫第6天分别测定叶绿素含量及主要生理指标。结果表明:各转基因株系的平均叶绿素含量高于对照小黑杨的7.9%;POD活性、CAT活性、APX活性都高于对照;膜的损伤程度低于对照;XL1、XL5、XL6、XB4的SOD活性高于对照。总体表现为转基因小黑杨在膜的伤害程度上低于对照,在抗氧化能力上高于对照。
Eight transgenic lines were selected from three kinds of transgenic Populus simonii × P. nigra obtained before, including XCI, XB, XB2, XB3, XL1, XIS, XL6 and XL11, while non-transgenic ones were used as control. Treating them with 0. 8 % NaCl, the chlorophyll content and other main phsiological indicators were measured respectively on 6th day affter stress. The results illustrated that the average chlorophyll content in transformants were 7.9% higher than that in the non-transformants. The activity of POD, CAT and APX was higher than the control while the damage degree of meml)rane in transformants was lower than the control. The activity of SOD in XL1, XL5, XL6 and XB4 were higher than the control. As a whole, the transformants had less injury degree of membrane and stronger anti-oxidative ability than the control.
Forest Engineering