设计基于原子相干布居俘获原理(CPT)的原子钟系统中垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)控制器,其包括20 mA量程、低噪声、精密直流稳流电源、介绍VCSEL控制系统组成和工作原理,并对VCSEL激光器系统进行了测试分析。结果表明,该控制系统可以实现单模态、窄线宽及低功耗稳定光源,对CPT原子钟VCSEL光源应用具有参考和使用价值。
A control system of the VCSEL based on CPT atomic clock is designed in this paper.The whole system contains a precise and high stable DC power with the range of 20mA and lower noise.The composition and working principle of the VCSEL control system are introduced.Additionally,the VCSEL control system is tested and analyzed.The experimental results show that the control system can achieve single-mode state,narrow line-width and a stable low-power light source.It has a reference and useful value for the application of VCSEL light source based on CPT atomic clock.
Electronic Design Engineering