
歌德《少年维特之烦恼》爱情悲剧后的青春迷惘与制度因素 被引量:21

The Puzzle of Youth and the Element of System behind the Love Tragedy of Die Leiden des jungen Werther
摘要 本文以歌德成名作《少年维特之烦恼》为文本,探讨18世纪德意志语境中的爱情悲剧表象后的社会原因,既重视个体内心因素的自然发展,也考量社会背景因素的制约力量;同时引入历史文化语境中的对立面,即尼柯莱的《少年维特之欢乐》为参照,使彼此的场域交锋提升到一个思想史的观念碰撞高度。同时在结合歌德艺术观"表现真实"的基础上进而发微知著,提炼出"青春迷惘"的普遍性命题,认为维特之死,固然有上述的一般原因在,但更有歌德作为德国文化所化之人的痛苦表现在内,维特之死,未尝不是殉节于未能大气磅礴贯穿而出、深受德意志知识精英关切的德国文化。维特的"真死"与歌德的"假殉",既显示出所谓"制度捆绑"的社会性根本原因,同时又提出了"文化假殉"的重要命题。 This essay focuses on the famous novel Die Leiden des jungen Werther by Goethe and tries to explore the social factors behind the idea of the love tragedy in the eighteenth century in Germany while attaching importance to the development of the inner elements of the individuals. On the other hand the book of Die Freude des jungen Werther by Friedrich Nicolai as the opposite side in the historical context is also used as the reference, so that the confrontation in the cultural field could be promoted to a height of the thought conflict in the history of ideas. A general problematic of the puzzle of youth is then concluded on the basis of Goethe's art view, that means, the death of Werther was on one hand because of the above reasons, on the other hand even as the symbol of the suffering of the delegate of German culture. The real death of Werther and the false sacrifice of Goethe not only show us the social reasons such as the system binding of this tragedy, but also announce a very important proposition - the cultural false sacrifice.
作者 叶隽
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期28-37,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 歌德 《少年维特之烦恼》 思想史 古典德国 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Die Leiden des jungen Werther history of ideas classic Germany
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