
上海国际金融中心证券业竞争力评价指标体系的构建与提升 被引量:3

Evaluation and Enhancement of Shanghai Securities Industry Core Competencies
摘要 在上海建设国际金融中心的过程中,资本市场的培育至关重要。为进一步深化上海证券业的发展,需要对上海市证券业核心竞争力进行评价,以此寻求提升上海证券业竞争力的政策路径。通过构建国际金融中心证券业竞争力评价指标体系,以及通过因子分析法进行计量分析得到城市证券业竞争力排名,在此基础上进行聚类分析,揭示影响上海证券业核心竞争力的因素,并提出加强政府服务引导,打造亚太资本市场中心,扩展证券市场的深度和广度,强化证券业生态环境等政策建议。 The cultivation of the capital market is crucially important in the process of constructing Shanghai as an international financial center. In order to promote Shanghai securities industry,this paper evaluates the core competencies of Shanghai securities industry and seeks policy path to enhance the competitiveness of Shanghai securities industry. The paper establishes an evaluation index system for securities industry competitiveness in international financial centers. By choosing the world's major financial centers as the test sample,it gets the securities industry competitiveness of all the cities ranked by utilizing factor analysis and then assaing main factors that influence the competitiveness of Shanghai securities industry by adopting the cluster analysis. The paper puts forward policy suggestions to strengthen guidance service of the government,to build up the centre of Asia-Pacific capital markets,to expand the depth and breadth of the securities market,and to improve the ecological environment of the securities industry.
作者 张宗新 王晓
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期38-45,共8页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 证券业 核心竞争力 因子分析 聚类分析 Securities industry Core competencies Factor analysis Cluster analysis
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