
群际归因偏好研究综述 被引量:4

A Review on Studies of Intergroup Attributional Bias
摘要 群际归因偏好是一种在归因中偏袒内群、贬低外群的现象,是群际偏好在归因中的一种表现。本文首先探讨了其表现形式及产生原因,随后讨论了内群认同强度和群体显著性等的影响因素,最后对未来的研究进行了展望。 Intergroup attributional bias is an ingroup-favoring and outgroup-dercgating phenomenon in attribution. It is a form of intergroup bias in causal attributions. Firstly, the present paper discussed the forms of intergroup attributional bias and its generative causes; secondly it listed the factors influencing intergroup attributional bias such as strength of group identification and group salience; finally it discussed the future research in this field.
作者 马伟军
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期908-909,912,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 群际偏好 群际归因偏好 内群认同 群体显著性 Intergroup bias, Intergroup attributional bias, ingroup identification, group salience
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