
风险决策任务中时间距离对框架效应的影响 被引量:13

Influences of Temporal Distance on the Framing Effect in Risky-choice Tasks
摘要 通过考察中国大学生时间距离的认知相关性,并进而探讨时间距离对风险决策任务加工方式及框架效应的影响。实验一通过问卷调查发现,与发生时间相对较远的事件相比,相对较近的事件,其认知相关性更大,验证了时间距离的认知相关性假设。在此基础上,以时间距离为自变量,设计不同的风险决策任务,考察框架效应发生的可能性(实验二、实验三)。结果显示,时间距离近时,框架效应不明显;时间距离远时,框架效应明显。其原因是,发生在相对不远的将来事件引起分析加工模式,导致框架效应的减弱;发生在相对远的将来事件引起整体加工模式,导致框架效应的增强。 This study was to investigate Chinese college students' temporal distance cognitive relativity, and to discuss the influence of temporal distance on the processing of risky-choice tasks and the framing effect. In Experiment 1, the result of the questionnaire survey showed greater cognitive relativity for the relatively near future events compared with the more distant future events. This result supported the'temporal distance cognitive relativity hypothesis. Based on Experiment 1, temporal distance was an independent variable in Experiment 2 and Experiment 3. Then different risky-choice tasks were designed and the possibility of the framing effect was investigated. The result showed that a clear framing effect only occurred in the long temporal distance condition; when temporal distance was shortened, the framing effect was not clear. The reason was that events occurring in the relatively near future let to analysis processing which weakened the framing effect; but events occurring in the more distant future led to holistic processing which enhanced the framing effect.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期920-922,919,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划重点研究课题资助(项目号:DBA080171)
关键词 时间距离 框架效应 分析性加工 整体性加工 temporal distance, framing effect, the analysis processing, the holistic proeeasing.
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