
情绪对职业决策的影响 被引量:18

Emotion Affects Career Decision
摘要 职业决策是决策研究领域的重要课题,引起了心理学家和决策研究者的高度关注。本文在以往研究的基础上,引入情绪和职业种类变量探讨了情绪对职业决策的影响,结果显示:(1)无论是四种还是八种职业决策任务,积极情绪的被试同消极情绪的被试相比,信息搜索的时间较长,信息搜索的深度显著增加;(2)在职业选择策略上,积极情绪的被试更加倾向于基于选项的加工,而消极情绪的被试随着从四种职业决策任务到八种决策任务的转变,逐渐倾向于基于属性的加工;(3)情绪影响了决策者职业决策的信息加工能力。 Career decision, an important theme of research in the field of decision, has recived a lot of attention. Based on former researches, this article explored the effects of emotion on career decision. The results were as follows: (1) Compared with those with negative emotion, participants with positive emotion had more time for information searching. Besides, the depth of information searching of the positive emotion ones increased significantly, regardless of/our-or eight-decision tasks. (2) In terms of strategies of career decision, participants with positive emotion tended to have item-based processing while participants with negative emotion more tended to have attribute-based processing with the change from four tasks to eight. (3) Emotion had effects on the ability of information processing in career decision.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期986-988,985,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金(课题批准号:05JAXLX007)
关键词 情绪 职业决策 信息加工能力 emotion, career decision, ability of information processing
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