目的探讨紫外线照射对光固化树脂基充填材料颜色及不透光度的影响。方法采用7种光固化树脂基充填材料(Aelite Flo、Filtek Z350 Flowable、Clearfil AP-X、Dyract AP、Z100、Durafill VS、Filtek Z350 Universal)各制作5个树脂试件。用色度计测量颜色参数L*、a*、b*(CIE 1976 L*a*b*系统)及Y刺激值(CIE 1931 XYZ系统),然后将7种试件经紫外线照射老化8、16、24h后再次测量颜色参数及Y刺激值,计算7种试件经紫外线照射后的色差及不透光度。结果紫外线照射后试件均发生了一定程度的颜色变化,色差变化范围从8h的1.85~3.21到24h时的2.88~4.55;不透光度出现了一定程度的升高,变化范围从照射前的0.75~0.82到照射24h后的0.80~0.98。其中,Z100和Filtek Z350 Flowable试件的色差值较大,Filtek Z350 Universal试件的不透光度较大。结论紫外线老化能够引起树脂基充填材料发生颜色改变和不透光度升高,不同产品的颜色稳定性有所差异。
Objective To investigate the color stability and opacity of seven resin-based composite products after ultraviolet irradiation. Methods Seven kinds of light-cured resin-based composite products (Aelite Flo, Fihek Z350 Flowable, Clearfil AP-X, Dyract AP, Z100, Durafill VS, Fihek Z350 Universal) were tested in the study (five for each group). Changes in color and opacity of test samples were determined before and after 8, 16 and 24 h ultraviolet irradiation using the CIE 1976 L*a*b* system and CIE 1931 XYZ system by a colorimeter. Results The color of resin disks suffering ultraviolet irradiation was different in differdnt irradiating time. Color difference values ranged from 1.85-3.21 for 8 h ultraviolet irradiation to 2.88-4.55 for 24 h ultraviolet irradiation. Opacity values ranged from 0.75-0.82 before ultraviolet irradiation to 0.80-0.98 after 24 h ultraviolet irradiation. Among all the groups, Z100 and Fihek Z350 Flowable showed the biggest color change, while Fihek Z350 Universal showed the highest opacity. Conclusion It can be concluded that for some products, ultraviolet irradiation leads to color instability and opacity variation.
West China Journal of Stomatology