当前,Ad Hoc网络传输多媒体业务需求提出了服务质量(QoS)的要求。由于Ad Hoc网络本身具有分布式控制、无线信道容量受限以及节点、链路和网络拓扑状态不断变化等特点,使其相对于固定无线网络及有线网络提供有保证且稳定的QoS要困难得多。文章总结了当前DSR协议的QoS研究进展,对不同的改进方案加以分类比较,指出了存在的问题;并针对Ad Hoc网络中基于资源预留的QoS算法所带来的复杂度问题,提出了适合该网络的测量可用带宽算法,构造了一种支持实时业务的Ad Hoc网络QoS服务机制。
The general field of mobile Ad Hoc networks is still in its infancy, particularly, the challenge of providing quality of service (QoS) support is an open problem and remains relatively uncharted territory because of the lack of centralized control, limited node capability, and variability of the links and network topology. This paper, based on the current research, describes the extensive research of the modified QoS algorithm in mobile AdHocnetworks. The detailed computations is developed first, which allows the estimationofavailable bandwidth in Ad Hoc networks, and then DSR is modified, and extensive simulation proues its effectiveness in various environments. This article presents a new QoS routing algorithm, which could be applied in the network with QoS operation demand.
Communications Technology