

Teaching Design for Technical Curriculum of the Computer Forensics
摘要 本文就计算机取证学技术课程的教学设计思路来探讨计算机取证学技术课程的开设,给计算机取证学技术教师带来思考。教学设计包括确立教学目标,制定教学内容,选择教学方法,设计教学过程。教师在教学过程中,既要把握总体目标,又要实现具体目标,既要明确显性目标,又要重视隐性目标,既要达到终极目标,又要促进条件目标。计算机取证学技术教学内容的制定要突破学科限制,突破知识序列,突破教材思路,体现应用性、综合性、科学性与兴趣性。计算机取证学技术课程教学方法的选择基于建构主义理论。计算机取证学技术课程的教学过程应是开放式的教学过程,整个教学过程呈现为"双向互动"。 Based on computer forensics, a teaching scheme for it's technical curriculum has been designed in this paper. Teaching design is included how to establish teaching goal, how to institute teaching content, how to select teaching methods and how to design teaching process. In teaching process, the teachers will not only grasp total object, but also realize practical object; and not only know apparent object, but also pay regard to the recessive object; and not only achieve ultimate object, but also expedite conditional object . The established teaching content of the computer forensics will be broken through the restriction of the subject and knowledge sequence and traditional teaching material frame, which embodies applicability, syntheses,scientificity and interest. Based the theory of the structuralism, we will select the teaching methods for the technical curriculum of the computer forensics. The teaching process will be a open teaching process for the technical curriculum of the computer forensics. The whole teaching process will be presented "the bidirectional interchangeability "
作者 伍祥生
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2009年第3期61-64,共4页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
关键词 教学设计 计算机取证学 选择方法 开放式教学过程 teaching design computer forensics selecting methods open teaching process
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