基本观点 2009年上半年,外资银行在华业务扩张并未因金融危机的影响而停止,在扩张方式上,以网点扩张为主的特点表现得更为明显,布局的重点集中在东部沿海的各大中心城市和重要港口城市,中西部地区的网点布局有所放缓。
In the first half of 2009,shedding off the in? uence of financial crisis, foreign-funded banks in China didn’t lag their pace of business expansion. By initiating the establishment of rural fi nancial institutions, foreign banks spread outlets in China’s country areas. Foreign investment on Chinese banks’ equity investment continued to slow down. Holding the advantage of flexible product design and pricing strategies, foreign banks have ignited comprehensive competitions with native banks in areas of bank card business, e-banking, etc.
China Urban Finance