This paper proposes a scheme for transferring an N-atom state between two distant cavities via an optical fiber. The scheme is based on adiabatic passage along a dark state. In the scheme, all the atoms are always in ground state, the field mode of the fiber remains in vacuum state, and the field mode of the cavities being excited can be negligible under certain conditions. Therefore, the scheme is very robust against decoherence. The successful probability of implementing the quantum state transfer increases with increasing number of atoms. Furthermore, the interaction time does not need to be accurately adjusted as long as the adiabaticity condition is fulfilled.
This paper proposes a scheme for transferring an N-atom state between two distant cavities via an optical fiber. The scheme is based on adiabatic passage along a dark state. In the scheme, all the atoms are always in ground state, the field mode of the fiber remains in vacuum state, and the field mode of the cavities being excited can be negligible under certain conditions. Therefore, the scheme is very robust against decoherence. The successful probability of implementing the quantum state transfer increases with increasing number of atoms. Furthermore, the interaction time does not need to be accurately adjusted as long as the adiabaticity condition is fulfilled.
supported by the Science Foundation of Educational Committee of Fujian Province (Grant No JB06042)