Overseas Merger and Acquisition(M&A)is not only the major means for the enterprises to expand rapidly and operate globally,but also the significant strategic tools for acquiring advanced technology from other companies and seizing the market and other resources, The sustaining growth of our economy provides an optimal en-
Overseas Merger and Acquisition(M & A)is not only the major means for the entcrprises to expand repidly and operate globally,but also the significant strategic tools for acquiring advanced technology from other companies and seizing the market and other resources.The sustaining growth of our economy provides an optimal environment,while the breakout of the global financial crisis creates opportunities for Chinese enterpries' cross-border M&G.Recently,whether it is the Chinalco confronting setbacks in investing Rio Tinto,Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery acquiring Hummer brand or two private companies intending to purchase Cardanro,all aroused wide concern.