
斜坡型需求下的变库存费用EOQ模型研究 被引量:3

A Study of EOQ Models with Variation of Holding Cost and Ramp Type Demand Rate
摘要 考虑了易腐品的社会需求量大而导致其在销售周期内的库存问题,研究了库存与需求函数之间在变库存条件下,针对斜坡型需求函数,确定了在无缺货情况下的平均费用最小的EOQ模型。文章最后通过算例给出了数值解,并进行了敏感度分析,给定各参数的波动变化,验证了结果的鲁棒性较好,有较强的实践意义。 The deterioration of perishable goods usually can not be identified,while sales of perishable goods prices will over time change. Perishable goods because of the number of social needs, it must consider in its sales cycle inventory problems. In this paper,the demand for holding and holding change in function between the conditions, the demand for ramp-type function to determine the circumstances in the absence of out-of-holding average cost of the smallest EOQ model. Finally, this paper gives the example through the numerical solution, and a sensitivity analysis,given the fluctuation of changes in each parameter, to verify the better robustness of the results with a better,more practical significance.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 北大核心 2009年第4期51-53,112,共4页 Industrial Engineering and Management
关键词 变质 斜坡型需求 EOQ模型 敏感度分析 perishable ramp type demand EOQ model sensitivity analysis
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