
基于情景实验的服务差错补救策略设计 被引量:2

Scenario Experiment Study on the Design of Recovery Strategy for Service Failures
摘要 探讨了不同服务差错类型下顾客的服务补救期望,据此进行服务补救策略的设计。以移动通讯服务业为背景,利用情境实验和全因子实验设计,分析了在核心服务产品和客户服务过程中常见的五种差错下,顾客对服务补救策略组合的期望以及顾客对补救过程中员工行为态度和补救速度的期望。据此提炼出有效的服务补救,进而研究各补救策略对补救效果的影响。研究发现,顾客期望获得经济补偿,期望同时获得多种补救,特别是在核心服务差错下同时具有解释和经济补偿或再次服务承诺的策略组合能显著提高补救效果。另外,补救过程中良好的员工行为态度和及时的补救速度对补救效果也会产生积极影响。 The objective of this study is to analyze the customer's expectations of service recovery when they meet different service failures,hence then the design of service recovery strategy is done. The present scenario experiment is based on the mobile phone service. The customers' expectations of service recovery action, employee's attitude and recovery speed are analyzed, and the design of recovery strategy is proposed. Moreover, the effects of service recovery actions are discussed. The results suggest that customers expect economic compensation as well as gaining more than one recovery action. Under the core service failure, the combinations of explanation and economic compensation, or promises of reservice,might evidently improve the effect to customers.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 北大核心 2009年第4期84-90,共7页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(70472037) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0937)
关键词 服务差错 服务补救 期望 补救策略 service failure service recovery expectation recovery strategy
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