
河北两县农村地区低档场所暗娼人群特征分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the character of commercial sex workers in cheap entertainment places in rural areas
摘要 目的了解农村地区低档高危场所暗娼人群特征,探讨对农村地区暗娼艾滋病宣传、干预措施。方法对唐县、平山县低档场所暗娼进行摸底调查,对每次性交易收费在60元以下的低档场所中暗娼进行问卷调查,分析收集资料。结果两县低档高危场所共计118家,暗娼431人,完成324份问卷,其中完整有效问卷298份。低档场所偏僻、隐蔽、经常变迁,暗娼流动性强;低档场所暗娼年龄偏大、文化水平低,落实宣传干预难度较大。低档场所暗娼获得信息的途径以电视为主,掌握信息不准确,存在知识行为分离现象。结论应重点加强、普及农村地区艾滋病宣传教育工作,加强对农村地区低档场所暗娼人群的干预工作。 Objective To understand the character of commercial sex workers in cheap entertainment places in rural areas, and to discuss the publicizing work of HIV and intervention for commercial sex workers in rural areas. Methods Investigation was performed among commercial sex workers in cheap entertainment places in Tangxian and Pingshan. Results There were 431 commercial sex workers and 118 cheap entertainment places in the two counties. 324 questionnaires were done and 298 of them were completely answered. The cheap entertainment places, which moved irregularly, were always located in obscure regions. The commercial workers were usually low in education and older in age. So it was hard for intervention work. For them, TV was the most important way to get knowledge about HIV. Separation therefore existed between knowledge and behavior. Conclusions Publicizing work, intervention, and education on HIV in rural areas should be strengthened.
出处 《中华疾病控制杂志》 CAS 2009年第4期420-422,共3页 Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
基金 第三轮中国全球基金艾滋病项目(CHN-304-G03-H)
关键词 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 暗娼 问卷调查 河北 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Commercial sex workers Questionnaires Hebei
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