
大豆不同产量水平生物量积累与分配的动态分析 被引量:26

Dynamic Analysis of Biomass Accumulation and Partition in Soybean with Different Yield Levels
摘要 利用亲本间生物量、产量有较大差异的重组自交家系群体(NJRIKY),在相对控制遗传背景的条件下研究地下和地上部生物量与产量相关的动态,比较高中低产家系生物量累积和分配的动态特征,为大豆高产栽培管理和育种提供生物量动态调控与选择的依据。结果表明: (1) 地下部和地上部生物量与产量显著相关,随生长进程,相关系数逐渐增加,至鼓粒期(R5~R6期)相关系数达到最大,r分别约0.76和0.79;(2) 大田条件2 500~2 800 kg hm-2以上的高产家系,地下部和地上部生物量显著高于中、低产家系,最大累积值均出现在鼓粒期,地下部和地上部生物量最大值分别为660~700 kg hm-2和7 200~7 800 kg hm-2。(3) 两年高产组所包含的家系不尽相同,产量下降的家系相应生物量也下降,这归因于环境所致的生物量累积不足;(4) 高产家系各器官生物量分配动态特征为茎秆、叶柄占同时期全生物量的比例显著高于中、低产家系,R5时分别为30.8%和10.6%,而叶、根比例显著低于中、低产家系,R5时分别为34.1%和9.7%。未来大豆产量的突破有赖于品种生物量与收获指数的综合改良和生长调控技术的继续改进。 The dynamic correlation between yield and above- and below-ground biomass and the dynamic partition of biomass of high, medium and low yield lines were studied by using the population of recombinant inbred lines NJRIKY derived from a cross between parents with different biomass and yield potential levels to obtain some information for dynamic control of biomass accumulation in high yield breeding and management of soybean. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Yield was significantly and positively correlated with above- and below-ground biomass accumulation, their correlation increased during the growing stages and the peak correlation occurred at seed filling stage (R5–R6) with r = 0.76 for below-ground biomass and 0.79 for above-ground biomass. (2) The high yield lines (2 500–2 800 kg ha-1) had a significant higher below-ground and above-ground biomass accumulation than the medium yield and low yield lines. Both below- and above-ground biomass accumulation reached the peak at seed filling stage with the highest below-ground biomass of 660–700 kg ha-1 and above-ground biomass of 720–780 kg ha-1 at R5. (3) The composition of high yield lines was not consistent in the two years. Lines with decreased yield had also a decreased biomass, which demonstrated reduction of biomass accumulation caused by different environments was the reason for yield decrease. (4) The dynamic partition of biomass to stem and petiole during growing stages in high yield lines (30.8% and 10.6% at R5, respectively) was significantly higher than that in medium and low yield lines and the dynamic partition of biomass to leaf and root during growing stages in high yield lines (34.1% and 9.7% at R5, respectively) was significantly lower than that in medium and low yield lines. The results implied that the more increase of yield in the future depends on the comprehensive genetic improvement of both biomass and harvest index and the successive advancement of growth regulation technology in soybean.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期1483-1490,共8页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2006AA100104) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2006CB101708和2009CB118404) 国家自然科学基金项目(30671266) 教育部高等学校创新引智计划项目(B08025) 农业部公益性行业专项(200803060)资助
关键词 大豆 产量 生物量累积 动态生物量分配 动态相关 Soybean Yield Biomass accumulation Dynamic biomass partition Dynamic correlation
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