
深圳市2007~2008年传染病暴发疫情监测分析 被引量:17

Epidemiologic analysis of Communicable Disease Outbreak Surveillance System in Shenzhen among 2007 and 2008
摘要 目的对深圳市2007—2008年暴发疫情监测系统的运行结果进行流行病学分析,分析两年监测结果的异同。方法对法定传染病疫情及常见的非法定传染病疫情报告建立主动监测网络直报系统,应用描述性流行病学方法,从深圳市暴发疫情监测系统导出2007及2008年的监测数据Excel报表,利用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果深圳市2008年聚集性病例及暴发疫情共报告197起,总病例数2489例,分别较2007年下降3.4%和83%。2008年暴发疫情仍集中在流感、水痘、手足口病等为代表的呼吸道和肠道传染病;暴发疫情多集中发生在中小学和幼儿园等集体单位;2008年传染病暴发疫情的高峰分别发生在3—6月和12月,这与同年散发疫情分布有所区别。结论深圳市2008年传染病暴发疫情较2007年有所下降,但流行特征类似。依托各级疾控机构和医疗机构建立的暴发疫情网络直报系统是行之有效的,它能与国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统和突发公共卫生事件报告管理信息系统互为补充。 Objective To analyze communicable disease outbreak surveillance data of Shenzhen city from year 2007 to 2008 and to explore the pattern and significance of monitoring aggregate communicable disease clusters and possible outbreaks from 2007 to 2008. Methods The active surveillance system was built by general Notifiable Communicable Dis- eases (NCDs) and original non - notifiable communicable diseases monitoring and it was based on Browse - Server reporting system. Descriptive epidemiology methods and SPSS 13. 0 software were applied to analyze excel - based data from 2007 to 2008. Results There were 197 communicable disease clusters or possible outbreaks and total 2489 cases in 2008, Shenz- hen. The Respiratory and enteric communicable diseases including influenza, chicken pox and hand - foot - mouth disease represented all outbreaks in 2008. The most outbreaks occurred in schools including kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools. The fastigium of outbreaks reported occurred from March to June and December. Seasonal distribution of outbreaks differed from that of NCDs incidence. Conclusion The amount and cases reported by communicable disease outbreak surveillance system in 2008 is lower than that of 2007, but the pattern and significance of communicable disease outbreaks in 2008 is similar than that of 2007. The outbreak surveillance system based on hospitals and CDC was effective. It was the supplement of the NCDs reporting system and Public Health Emergency reporting system.
出处 《医学动物防制》 2009年第8期564-567,共4页 Journal of Medical Pest Control
关键词 传染病 暴发 监测 流行病学 Communicable disease Outbreak Surveillance Epidemiology
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