

Analysis of an Optimized Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Antenna-Radome System
摘要 利用等效原理和矩量法(MoM)对天线和天线罩系统一体化严格建模,分析了阻抗矩阵性态较差产生原因,给出了一种可改善收敛性的预处理方法.通过进一步分析此矩阵的分块构成,对应用共轭梯度(CG)算法求解此问题的迭代过程进行了优化.数值计算结果证明了该优化的有效性. An exact model for the analysis of antenna-radome system is given, based on the method of moment (MOM) and the equivalence principle. In response to the analysis of the reason that causes the impedance matrix singularity, a pretreatment method is presented to improve the convergence of the iterative algorithm. Furthermore, an optimized iterative procedure is presented, based on the analysis of the establishment process of the matrix equation. Theory and digital results showed that the optimized method is effective.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期630-633,638,共5页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60471040)
关键词 天线 天线罩 共轭梯度算法 预处理 antenna radome conjugate gradient algorithm pretreatment
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