
一种大容量的DCT域信息隐藏算法 被引量:12

A High Capacity Information Hiding Algorithm in DCT Domain
摘要 基于DCT(离散余弦变换)域的信息隐藏算法是目前应用最广的变换域算法,此类算法的最大不足是嵌入信息量小。通过分析DCT域隐藏算法隐藏容量少的原因,提出了一种大容量的DCT域信息隐藏算法。算法首先对载体图像进行频谱均匀化处理,然后对图像进行全局DCT变换,并将隐藏信息嵌入到载体图像的低频DCT系数上,信息嵌入采用分段量化的方法实现,提取隐藏信息时不需要原始载体图像。实验结果表明,该算法的嵌入容量大,不可感知性好。 So far information hiding algorithm based on DCT domain is the most extensive one in all transformation domain algorithm applications. Its most serious disadvantage is the low capacity for information hiding. The reason why only small capacity information can be hidden in DCT domain of an image is analyzed, and a high capacity blind information hiding algorithm based on DCT domain is proposed. In our algorithm, the uniform spectrum processing is first applied to the original image. Then, a global DCT transformation of the image is finished. Finally, the information, which is to be hidden, is embedded into the low frequency coefficients in DCT domain. Moreover, the information hiding is implemented by using segment quantification method, extracting the hidden information without using the original image. Experiment shows that our algorithm has a high capacity of information hiding and good imperceptibility.
出处 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期1542-1546,共5页 Journal of Image and Graphics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60574030)
关键词 信息隐藏 离散余弦变换 频谱均匀化 量化 盲提取 information hiding, DCT, uniform spectrum, quantification, blind extracting
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