
气动-柴油混合动力空气管理策略研究 被引量:7

Air Management of Air-Powered and Diesel Hybrid Engine
摘要 根据不同经济性指标,对并联式气动-柴油混合动力发动机提出了相应的空气管理方案,并进行了数值仿真研究。计算结果表明:以气动缸最高效率为目标的优化方案适合在常规工况下使用;以最低气耗率为目标的优化方案可作为短时间、高负荷工况时的补充,而以两缸流量相等的方案不宜在该混合动力发动机中使用。此外还对柴油缸采用增压技术、改变两缸转速比等方案进行了探讨。 In allusion to various economy indexes of parallel air-powered and diesel hybrid engine, corresponding air management precept was proposed. Numerical simulation results show that the precept which leads to the highest availability efficiency of air-powered cylinder is suitable for general operation condition, the precept which leads to the lowest air consumption is suitable for short-term and heavy-load operation, hut the precept, in which two cylinders have the same air flow, is suitable for this type of hybrid engine. Besides, the precepts of supercharging diesel cylinder and changing speed ratio between two cylinders were discussed.
出处 《内燃机工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期7-11,18,共6页 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering
基金 浙江省科技计划资助项目(021101759)
关键词 内燃机 混合动力发动机 空气管理 气耗率 效率 IC engine hybrid engine air management air consumption availability efficiency
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