
混合寡头内生行动顺序问题研究:一个综述 被引量:4

A Survey of the Literature on Endogenous Timing in Mixed Oligopolies
摘要 本文对关于混合寡头中内生行动顺序问题的英文文献进行一个综述。混合寡头分成三种类型:由公有企业和本国私有企业组成的类型,由公有企业和外国私有企业组成的类型,由公有企业、本国私有企业和外国私有企业组成的类型,逐类综述在企业生产同质产品并进行产量竞争的假定下研究混合寡头内生行动顺序的文献,然后分析在其它假定下的文献。本综述得到的基本结论为:1、在企业生产同质产品并进行数量竞争的假定下,公有企业与本国私有企业同时行动不可能成为均衡;2、混合寡头内生行动顺序依赖于不同的模型设定。文章最后指出了基本结论对未来的研究的启示。 This paper provides a survey of the literature on endogenous timing in mixed oligopolies. Mixed oligopolies are classified into three types: Type Ⅰ consists of a public finn and domestic private in'm( s), type Ⅱ consists of a public firm and foreign private firm( s), and type Ⅲ consists of a public firm, domestic and foreign private firms. Ⅰ review the literature on endogenous timing in mixed oligopolies for each type under the assumption that finns produce homogeneous products and compete in quantities, and then review the literature under other assumptions. The main conclusions are the following: 1. Under the assumption of homogeneous products and quantity competition, public firm and domestic private firms moving simultaneously cannot be sustained as an equilibrium; 2. Endogenous timing in mixed oligopolies depend on the setting of models. At the end of the paper, the implications of the conclusions on future research are provided.
作者 卢远瞩
出处 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第8期49-55,共7页 South China Journal of Economics
关键词 混合寡头 内生行动顺序 社会福利 Mixed Oligopoly Endogenous Timing Social Welfare
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