
浅析美国在中亚战略的调整及对中国的影响 被引量:1

Brief Analysis of the U.S.Strategy in Central Asia and the Impact on China
摘要 中亚具有独特的地缘政治地位,中亚蕴藏着丰富的能源,堪称世界的聚宝盆。中亚地区是多种文明的交汇地,因此发生冲突的可能性极大。美国为了自身的战略利益,依据形势的变化适时的调整对中亚的战略。美国的战略调整对中国也产生了重要影响。中国必须采取相应的措施改变不利的现状。 Central Asia has a unique geopolitical position in Central Asia , it is rich in energy and named the cornucopia of the world. Central Asia also is the crossroads of many civilizations, therefore the possibility of collision is greater than other places in the world. The United States adjusts the strategy in Central Asia with the situation changes timely , for their own strategic interests. The strategic adjustment of The United States also had a major impact on China , China must take appropriate measures to change the unfavorable situation.
作者 赵飞
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期19-21,共3页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 美国 中亚战略 调整 中国 影响 The United States Strategy in Central Asia Adjustment China Impact
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