
北京市大、中学生对心理咨询预期的初步调查 被引量:3

Preliminary Research on High School and University Students’Expectation about Counseling
摘要 目的:了解大学生和中学生对心理咨询的预期。方法:采用简式心理咨询预期问卷(EAC-B)对298名高中学生和272名大学生进行调查。结果:①在来访者动机、开放性、责任、咨询师的吸引力、咨询过程的即时性和咨询结果维度上大学生的得分明显高于高中生,而在对峙、指导、自我表露和专业性维度上的得分高中生明显高于大学生(F=6.713,P<0.001)。女生在来访者的开放性、咨询师的接纳性和咨询过程的具体化三个维度上的得分均显著高于男生的得分(F=1.808,P<0.05)。②心理学专业的大学生与非心理学专业的大学生只在EAC-B的指导性(t=-0.73,P>0.05)和自我表露(t=-1.88,P>0.05)两个维度上的得分没有显著性差异,其余各维度均表现为心理系大学生的得分显著高于非心理系大学生。③没有过咨询经验的学生在来访者动机(t=-2.04,P<0.05)和咨询师的吸引力(t=-2.61,P<0.01)两个维度的得分明显低于有过咨询经验的学生。结论:性别、年龄、是否心理学专业以及是否有过咨询经验影响学生对心理咨询的预期。 Objective: To explore expectation of counseling of high school and university students. Methods: 298 high school students and 272 university students completed the Expectation about Counseling Questionnaire -Brief form (EAC- B). Results: (1)Differences were found between high school students and university students in some subscales: university students scored significantly higher than high school students in clients' motivation, openness, responsibility, counselors' attractiveness, immediacy and outcome; high school students had significantly higher scores than university students in confrontation, directiveness, self-disclosure and expertise (F=6.713, P〈0.001). Gender differences were found in three sub- scales; female students scored significantly higher than males in clients' openness, counselors' acceptance and the con- creteness of counseling process. (2)Students majored in psychology scored significantly higher than non-psychology majors in almost all subscales except in directiveness (t=-0.73, P〉0.05) and self-disclosure (t=--1.88, P〉0.05). (3)Students who didn't have personal counseling experience scored significantly lower in clients' motivation (t=-2.04, P〈0.05) and coun- selors' attractiveness (t=-2.61, P〈0.01) than those who had counseling experiences. Conclusion: Age, gender, psychology learning background and personal counseling experiences have some relation to students' expectation about counseling.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2009年第4期515-517,503,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 心理咨询 EAC—B 中学生 大学生 Counseling EAC-B High school students University students
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