
葡萄膜炎与肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/A基因多态性关系的初步探讨 被引量:1

Study on TNFα-308G/A polymorphisnis in patients with uveitis
摘要 目的探讨肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/A基因多态性与葡萄膜炎的关系。方法运用多聚酶链反应技术检测33例葡萄膜炎及103例正常人肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/A基因多态性。结果葡萄膜炎组肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/G、G/A、A/A表型频率分别为:0.7576、0.1818、0.0606,对照组分别为:0.7961、0.1650、0.0388;葡萄膜炎组TNFα-308G、TNFα-308A基因频率分别为:0.8485、0.1515。对照组分别为:0.8786、0.1214,肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/A各种基因型频率在患者组与正常对照组之间的差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论肿瘤坏死因子TNFα-308G/A基因多态性与葡萄膜炎无明显相关。 Objective To investigate the relationship between tumor necrosis factor(TNF)-308G/A polymorphism and uveitis. Methods The polymorphism of TNFα-308G/A gene was screened by PCR-RELP. Resuls The gene frequency of TNFα-308G/A in uveitis group was as followed;TNFα-308 G/A,G/G,A/A genotype frequency : 0. 7576,0. 1818,0. 0606, TNFα-308 G, TNFα-308 A Gene frequency: 0. 8485,0. 1515. TNFα-308 G/A, G/G, A/A genotype frequency in control group was as followed: 0. 7961,0. 1650,0. 0388; TNFα-308 G,TNFα-308 A Gene frequency:0. 8786,0. 1214, There were no significant differences in the frequencies of TNFα-308G/A gene between uveitis patients and control group ( P 〉 0.05 ). Conclusion no evident association was found between TNFα-308G/A polymorphism and uveitis.
出处 《中国现代药物应用》 2009年第16期1-3,共3页 Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application
关键词 葡萄膜炎 肿瘤坏死因子 α-308G/A 多态性 Uveits Tumor necrosis fatcor α-308 G Polymorphish
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