目的:探讨对同一人群每年定期进行HPV检测及宫颈液基细胞检查(TCT)体检筛查在宫颈癌防治过程中的作用。方法:自2003~2008年对深圳某单位适龄女性员工每年定期进行HPV检测及液基细胞检查,有宫颈上皮内瘤变者(CIN)行阴道镜下活检病理组织学确诊。结果:①高危HPV感染率在从2003年的18.0%逐年降低到2008年的11.4%;②CINⅡ以上(包括宫颈癌)发生率从2003年的2.5%逐年降低到2008年的1.9%;通过随筛查年度累计发病率的研究,表明CIN Ⅰ发病率在第3年后显著下降,CINⅡ及以上者在第1~4年下降较快,第5年后的发病率下降速率趋于平缓;③HPV感染40岁以下者占75.7%,CIN患者40岁以下占64.3%,40岁以下HPV感染者及宫颈病变发生者的构成比逐年增高。结论:在健康人群中连续定期进行HPV和宫颈液基细胞(TCT)筛查,对降低HPV感染率和CIN的发生具有显著作用,CINⅡ及以上者宫颈高度病变在筛查中需要重点关注。
Objective: To evaluate the application of a regular cervical cancer screening with HPV test and cervical cytological testing in prevention of cervical lesions and cervical cancer. Methods:To perform a yearly screening of the female employees of a company in Shenzhen between 22 -65 year of age with HPV and TCT test. The women with either CIN Ⅰ and above were called back and directed biopsies under colposcopy were taken. Results: (1)The rate of people infected with high -risk HPV has gradually dropped from 18.0% in 2003 to 11.4% in 2008 ; (2)The incidence of CIN Ⅱ and above (including cervical cancer) has dropped from 2.5% in 2003 to 1.9% in 2008. The rate of cumulative CIN Ⅰ incidence reduced in significance after the third year's screening. The rate of cumulative CIN Ⅱand above reduced at first four years and remained at a certain level after the fifth year. (3)75.7% of the people been infected with HPV were under 40, while 64. 3% of the CIN patient were under 40. Conclusion : It is of great significance to screen in the population for HPV and TCT in a regular time span, since it could not only lower the HPV infection rate and decrease the incidence of cervical lesions, but also prevent the cervical cancer.