
衍射元件单点金刚石车削的工艺参数 被引量:2

Research on Technique Parameters of Single Point Diamond Turning of DOEs
摘要 讨论了金刚石车削刀具刀尖半径和车削进给量对衍射元件微结构形状的影响;从加工表面粗糙度引起的光的散射(TlS)出发,分析了刀具刀尖半径、进给量和散射量之间的关系,给出了定量分析结果;再结合衍射元件加工中的遮挡效应、加工时间等问题,给出了加工过程中选取刀具刀尖半径和车削进给量等车削工艺参数的一般性原则。 In this article the effect of diamond turning tool tip radias and cutting feed on the microsttucture of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) was discussed. The relation was analyzed among total integrated scattering (TIS) aused by surface roughness of DOEs, tool up radius and cutting feed. According to the discussion and analysis, the general principle of selecting tool tip radias and cutting feed was given with the consideration of blodking effect and cutting time. The technical problem of diamond turning about continuous surface of diffractive optical elements was finally resolved.
作者 赵峻彦 王鹏
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期83-85,105,共4页 Machine Design And Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60878030) "十一五"国防科技基金支持项目(B1020060365)
关键词 单点金刚石车削 工艺参数 衍射元件 single point diamond turning technique parameters diffractive optical elements
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