
关节软骨和人工关节材料接触角的测定 被引量:4

Measurement of Contact Angle of Cartilage and Artificial Joint Materials
摘要 采用椭圆法和宽高法对天然软骨、人工软骨聚乙烯醇水凝胶和医用不锈钢317L的接触角进行测量,通过计算得到各材料的表面张力和黏附功。结果表明:初始状态下天然软骨接触角最大,不锈钢其次,聚乙烯醇水凝胶接触角最小;软骨表面不定型层被去除后,软骨的接触角大幅度降低;经过干燥后,软骨的接触角逐渐降低,去除不定型层的软骨和聚乙烯醇水凝胶的接触角明显升高。 The contact angle was measured by means of methods including ellipse method and height/width method for natural cartilage, artificial cartilage polyvinyl alcohol bydrogel (PVA-H), and medical stainless steel 317L. Surface free energy and adhesive work were obtained. The results show that the contact angle of natural cartilage in initial state is larger than that of other materials, and the artificial cartilage IPVA-H has the minimum value. When the amorphous layer (SAL) of cartilage surface is removed, the contact angle of carLilage is significantly decreased. After drying, contact angle of cartilage gradually decreases, contact angle of PVA-H and cartilage without SAL significantly increases.
作者 李锋 王成焘
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期1-5,共5页 Lubrication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50535050)
关键词 接触角 表面自由能 生物材料 软骨 水凝胶 contact angle surface free energy biomaterial cartilage hydrogel
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