
多视点立体显示系统建模及分析 被引量:4

System modeling and analysis for automultiscopic 3D displays
摘要 建立了平行式摄像机阵列实拍立体显示系统的数学模型。根据光学成像原理和计算机视觉双目视差原理,通过一个4×4齐次矩阵描述了真实物体到虚拟物体的映射关系。该实拍模型可精确地调节拍摄和显示的参数,能有效地控制立体深度感,减小立体失真。利用该模型,定量分析了拍摄和显示参数对虚拟立体图像观看质量的影响。分析和计算结果表明,该模型具有很高的立体深度调节灵敏度,能通过调节拍摄和显示的参数,把形变系数控制在1左右,避免了纸板效应。通过理论和仿真证明了这一模型具有很好的实拍效果。 A mathematical system model for an automultiscopic display with a real parallel camera layout is derived. According to the principle of imaging optics in computer vision and binocular parallax, the relationship of the real object space to the perceived image space is described by 4 × 4 homogenous matrices. By means of this model, the parameters of shooting and display can be adjusted more precisely so as to control the 3D depth and eliminate the distortion more effectively. The affects of the parameters to the perceived image are analyzed quantitatively. The results show that this model has higher 3D depth adjusting sensitivity, and can control the deformation coefficient to 1, which can avoid the card board effect. The theory and simulation results prove this model has better value of reference in real shooting condition.
出处 《光学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期575-578,583,共5页 Optical Technique
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60832003) 国家自然科学基金项目(60772124)
关键词 成像光学 立体显示 失真 平行式摄像机阵列 imaging optics 3D display distortion parallel camera model
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