Purpose:An investigation was carried out into the prognostic value of different intensity flash electroretinography(ERG) recorded for 72 eyes with opaque vitreous prior to vitrectomy.Method:We use the mean value of the bwave amplitudes of two groups as cutoff point,two groups were formed acording to the outcome of surgery,one group have a visual acuity(VA)of 005 or better,the other less than 005,The Positive predictive value for ERG bwave is 923%,The sensitivity for ERG bwave is 545%.The positive predictive value and sensitisity for ERG awave are 8125% and 591%,respectively.A low bwave less than the cutoff point in the ERG was associated with a poor visual outcome (VA<005) in 565% of cases (negative predicitive value),and 929% of the eyes with a poor visual outcome had a low bwave (specificity)The corresponding values for the ERG awave are 55% and 786%,respectively,when relationship between the amplitudes of the bwave and the awave is used as an index for evaluating the electroretinogram,the result in the same as ERG bwave,but this method is based on physiological considerations regarding the origin of the ERG components,such a method will facilitage data exchange between centres and can also be used for clinical assessment of the retina more accurately.Result:ERG bwave is a better index of final visual acuity for vitrectomy than awave.The bwave more than the cutpoint in the ERG have a good predictive vale.Conclusion:normal bwave amplitude have good predictive value in vitrectomy abnormal bwave amplitude(less than the cutpoint)have poor predictive value.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology