To study clinical features and to determine the relationship between surgical management and visual outcome,we retrospectively analyzed thirteen patients with intraoperative suprachoroidal hemorrhage.Clinical and echographic examination found that all patients had vitreous hemorrhage,most of them had 360° suprachoroidal hemorrhage and hyphema without retinal detachment.Four patients underwent posterior drainage sclerotomy,four patients underwent drainage followed by vitreoretinal surgery. Finally,three patients who had a secondary vitreoretinal surgery achieved a visual outcome of 005~012,one patient had a visual outcome of hand motion and all others resulted in total blindness. The prognosis after massive suprachoroidal hemorrhage has been poor,while vitreoretinal surgery may salvage useful vision in some patients. It is most important to identify the risk factors that may predispose to suprachoroidal hemorrhage and put prevention first.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology