Weimeisu is an additive of nutritious health food, which has significantly active effect on cure of wasting gastritis and accretion of epithelialcells of esophagus. The active constituents are three forms of riboflavin, that is free vitamin 62 (VB2) and two coenzymes, Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD).VB2 and the two coenzymes in Weimeisu were analyzed by HPLC. Products from Beijing ZhongFa Bioengineering Institute and other factories were analyzed, the average value of VB2 was 5. 46mg/g and coenzyme was 1. 74mg/g, the rate of recovery was 86. 6% - 93. 5%, and the accuracy of analysis was 8. 2%. The value of VB2 was in accordance with the results got through the method of pharmacopoeia. The method could be used to certifict the quality of Weimeisu.