The historical period known as the Renaissance spans the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. ‘Renaissance’ means ‘re-birth’ in French and during this time Europe left behind the mindset of the Middle Ages and created the beginnings of the modern world. This thesis mainly rotates on the background, the main features and significance of Renaissance, especially focuses on the discovery of man and the humanism and the detailed unfolding of the society on several aspect in Renaissance.
The historical period known as the Renaissance spans the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. 'Renaissance' means 're-birth' in French and during this time Europe left behind the mindset of the Middle Ages and created the beginnings of the modem world. This thesis mainly rotates on the background, the main features and significance of Renaissance, especially focuses on the discovery of man and the hu- manism and the detailed unfolding of the society on several aspect in Renaissance.
Science & Technology Information
Renaissance the background features humanism significance