
中国家用轿车初购者与再购者的决策过程差异研究 被引量:9

A Study of the Differences in the Decision-making Process between First-time and Repeat Buyers of Passenger Cars in China
摘要 中国的家用轿车市场正在从以初购者为主的新兴市场向以初购、再购者并重的成熟市场转变。再购者与初购者的购车决策过程存在系统性差异。本研究探索了中国家用轿车初购者与再购者在属性感知→价值判断→态度形成→行为意向这一决策过程的差别。我们通过对北京4802名有购车意向的消费者(2182名初购者与2620名再购者)的调查,发现初购者与再购者在以下四方面存在显著差异:(1)在属性方面,初购者更重视品牌声誉这一外在属性,而再购者更重视汽车的内在属性(内外设计、做工及驾驶性能);(2)在价值方面,初购者更在意车辆的情感价值,而再购者更追求功能价值;(3)在行为方面,初购者更易受周围社会群体的影响,而再购者更听从内心态度的主宰;(4)在购买方面,虽然初购者与再购者都更倾向于购买高销量品牌,但相对于初购者,再购者能更多地尝试低销量品牌。 The passenger car market in China is shifting from an emerging market dominated by first-time buyers to a mature market featuring both first-time and repeat buyers. This shift creates both new challenges and new opportunities for automobile manufacturers. To best respond to these changes, it is crucial for auto firms to understand how first-time and repeat buyers differ in their decision making processes. This article explores the differences in the purchase decision-making processes between these two types of buyers. We tested our hypotheses using survey data collected from 4802 Beijing residents who expressed an intention to purchase a car (2182 first-time buyers and 2620 repeat buyers). Analysis of the survey data reveals three main differences between the two types of buyers: (i) first-time buyers value extrinsic attributes (e.g., brand reputation) more than intrinsic attributes (e.g., interior and exterior design, workmanship, and driving performance), whereas repeat buyers value intrinsic attributes more than extrinsic attributes; (2) first-time buyers are guided by emotional value, whereas repeat buyers are influenced more by functional value; (3) first-time buyers are more influenced than repeat buyers by a need for social conformity; (4) first-time buyers are more likely to buy products supplied by firms with high overall market share, while repeat buyers are more likely to buy products of firms with low market share. These findings have important managerial implications for automobile firms, in particular highlighting the importance of segmenting the market, and tailoring marketing strategies to reach these two very different segments of Chinese automobile buyers.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期4-10,18,共8页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学基金(70632003)资助
关键词 初购者 再购者 购买决策 经验 家用轿车 First-time Buyer Repeat Buyer Purchase Decision- making Experience Passenger Car
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