This research investigates the effects of psychological contract on control mechanisms in outsourced IT projects, based on control theories and psychological contract theories. It is a multiple case study involving five outsourced IT projects. One of the largest and most successful telecommunication vendors in China is involved in all five of the projects, as the client in three and vendor of an offshore client in the other two. One of the authors participated in these projects over a two year period. To triangulate the findings, additional interviews were conducted.Several important results emerge from our data analysis. First, we identify transactional and relational contract sought by clients and vendors, and various crossmatch of these two types of psychological contract between the client and vendor. Thus, a two by two framework is proposed to classify the nature of relationship between a client and the vendor: 1) Mutual loyalty when both parties consider themselves in a relational contract; 2) mutual transaction when both in a transactional contract; 3) vendor vulnerable when the vendor seeks a relational contract but the client aims for a transactional one; and 4) vice versa, being the case of client vulnerable.Second, we explicate the devices by which psychological contract shapes organizational control and outsourcing outcomes. For example, the scenario of mutual transaction is associated with an emphasis on formal control (outcome control and behavior control) by the client and less vendor's internal self-controls. In contrast, mutual loyalty is associated with more informal control (self-control and clan control) by the client and more vendor's internal self-control. Furthermore, in the cases of mismatch between the client's and vendor's psychological relationship, the party in a vulnerable position implemented more behavior control and self-control over its partner. A new theory of control based on psychological contract is proposed in terms of several propositions. Such a theory is helpful for predicting varying modes and degrees of control in outsourced IT projects.
Nankai Business Review
IT Outsourcing
Psychological Contract
Project Management