XML是一种专门为Internet所设计的标记语言,随着XML的大量应用,它已经成为Internet上数据表示和数据交换的标准,如何有效地管理大量的XML数据显得非常重要。使用数据库技术对XML进行管理,这已经成为一种必然的发展趋势。XML与数据库相结合已经成为一个新的研究领域,也是XML和数据库发展的趋势。文中探讨和分析了XML数据库的相关知识,介绍了Native XML数据库及一个NXD系统eXist,最后表明XML数据库将成为一个新的研究领域。
XML is a special markup language for Intemet. With the emergence of a lot of XML documents, it has been become the stan- dard for data representation and exchange on Intemet. How to manage XML documents effectively has been become very important, It has become an inevitable trend to manage XML documents with the technology of database, The combination between XML and database has become a trend and a new field of research. Explores and analyzes XML and database, focusing on Native XML database and exist system. Finally, XML database will be a new field of research.
Computer Technology and Development