

Whether it was the Policy of "Defending the Ships by Avoiding Battles" by Ding Ruchang or the Strategy of "Fighting Enemy Without Losing Fleet" by Li Hongzhang
摘要 从前某些学者一谈到黄海海战的失利,都笼统地归结于清朝统治者的腐朽,一谈到北洋舰队的覆灭就归结于李鸿章避战保舰。甲午中日海战中,李鸿章究竟为北洋舰队制定了什么样的作战方针?本文认为,甲午中日开战后的一个多月,李鸿章对比中日海军实力,从实际出发,制定了"保船制敌"的作战方针。综观甲午中日海战的全过程,李鸿章在海战的任何一个阶段都未指示过北洋舰队通过"避战"而"避战"。恰恰相反,李鸿章一再命令北洋舰队主动"出击"、"截击"敌舰队。即使在威海被围,北洋舰队危急存亡之际,李鸿章还数次命令丁汝昌率领舰队和敌舰队"拼死一战"。因此,"避战保船"的不是李鸿章,而是北洋舰队的提督丁汝昌。 As soon as certain former scholars talked about the unfavorable situation of the Yellow Sea Naval Battle, all generally would attributed it to the ruler's decayed in Qing Dynasty. And the entire destruction of Beiyang Fleet would be attributed to the policy of "defending the ships by avoiding battles" by Lihongzhang. What kind of strategy had been made actually by Li Hongzhang in the Sino -Japanese Naval Battle for Beiyang Fleet?. This paper presents Li Hongzhang has made the strategy of "defending the ships by avoiding battles" by contrasting the naval power of China and Japan according to the reality a month later after the War. By the comprehensive survey on entire process of Sino - Japanese Naval Battle, we found Li Hongzhang never had ordered Beiyang Fleet to avoid the war by "Avoiding War". On the contrary, Li Hongzhang had ordered Beiyang Fleet to "launches an attack" and " the interception the warship team of the enemy" again and again. Even when they were encircled in Weihai, when Beiyang Fleet was critical for life or death, Li Hongzhang had also ordered Ding Ruchang to lead the Fleet "to fight the enemy warship team at risk of life" several times. Therefore, "defending the ships by avoiding battles" is not a strategy of Li Hongzhang, but it is the policy of the Ding Ruchang, the supervise of Beiyang Fleet.
作者 杨晓伟
出处 《陇东学院学报》 2009年第4期49-54,共6页 Journal of Longdong University
关键词 避战保船 李鸿章 丁汝昌 北洋海军 "defending the ships by avoiding battles" Li Hongzhang Ding Ruchang Beiyang Navy
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